Hongcun Ancient Village

Entrance Fee CNY104, the ticket is valid for unlimited entries within three days since the time of first entry.
Opening Hours 7:30 – 17:30

Located approximately 11 kilometers (7 miles) northeast of Yixian County, Hongcun Ancient Village has earned the poetic epithet of ‘a village from a Chinese fairy tale painting.’

With a history spanning 900 years, Hongcun Ancient Village was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000. The village’s layout is often likened to the shape of an ox, with Leigang Hill serving as the ‘head,’ two prominent trees atop the hill symbolizing the ‘horns,’ the cluster of residences forming the ‘body,’ a meandering stream representing the ‘entrails,’ Moon Pond resembling the ‘stomach,’ and the four bridges spanning the waterways completing the analogy as the ‘four legs.’

This picturesque village, steeped in history and charm, offers visitors a glimpse into traditional Chinese village life. With its well-preserved architecture, tranquil waterways, and scenic surroundings, Hongcun Ancient Village exudes an air of timeless beauty and serenity. Each corner of the village tells a story, from the elegant courtyards to the ancient bridges that span the waterways.

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