Acupuncture and Moxibustion therapy has a history of thousands of years in China
In ancient China,there were many well-known doctors using therapy to treat patient,such as Bian Que of the Spring and Autumn Period(770BC -220 BC), who had treated some difficult and complicated cases, and thus were acclaimed as miracle-working doctors. In 1027, Wang Weiyi, a medical official of acupuncture and moxibustion of the Song Dynasy(960-1279), designed and made two bronze human figures marked with acupuncture points, carefully carved 12 channels and vessels and 354 acupuncture points on the figures for people to use when learning the therapy. This was the earliest bronze human figure for medical use in China
Nowadays,acupuncture and moxibustion therapy is not only widely used in China to relieve people of their diseases,it has also spread around the world
Narcotherapy is to disable the body or one part temporarily by drugs or acupuncture,which is usually used in surgical opperations.
As early as the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods(770BC-221 BC), some Chinese doctors had known and recorded the ancesthesia function of some drugs. The famous doctor Hua Tuo of the Eastern han Dynasty, on the basis of carefully studying ancient books,went to the mountains and plains to collect herbs with an anesthesia functin, such as jimsonweed,which were later made into narcotic drugs after being roasted and processed. One day , people carried a seriously ill patient to Hua Tuo, he let the patient drink the drug and then opened his abdominal cavity and cleared away his rotten intestines,completing the operation while the patient felt no pain. This operation was the earliest recorded large-scale laparotomy both in China and in the world.