Red Gate Gallery

Opening Hours   9 am – 5 pm, Tuesday – Sunday

Red Gate Gallery is a pioneering contemporary art gallery located in Beijing, China. Founded in 1991 by Australian-born Brian Wallace, it is one of the oldest private galleries in the country and has played a significant role in the development of China’s contemporary art scene.

Situated in the historic Dongbianmen Watchtower, a Ming Dynasty-era building near the southern gate of Beijing’s Forbidden City, Red Gate Gallery offers a unique and culturally rich setting for exhibitions and artistic endeavors. The gallery’s location within a historic landmark underscores its commitment to bridging the gap between tradition and modernity, both in terms of art and cultural heritage.

Red Gate Gallery is renowned for its focus on promoting contemporary Chinese artists, as well as fostering cultural exchange and dialogue between Chinese and international artists. The gallery showcases a diverse range of artistic practices, including painting, sculpture, photography, video art, and multimedia installations.

Over the years, Red Gate Gallery has hosted numerous exhibitions featuring both emerging and established artists, providing a platform for creative expression and innovation. It has also organized artist residencies, workshops, and cultural events aimed at fostering collaboration and cross-cultural understanding within the global art community.

Overall, Red Gate Gallery stands as a prominent institution within China’s contemporary art landscape, offering a dynamic space for artistic exploration, experimentation, and exchange. Its commitment to promoting cultural diversity and creativity continues to make it a vital hub for artists and art enthusiasts alike.

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